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Retrieve statements

WorldFirst generates statements for corresponding WF accounts. You can pull statement lists periodically (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) based on your specific requirements. Additionally, you can download statements as evidence to support regulatory compliance.

Query statement list

To query a statement list from WorldFirst, call the inquiryStatementList API. 

The following figure illustrates the general process:


Figure 1. Query statements using WorldFirst APIs

Query statement details

To query a statement detail from WorldFirst, take the following steps:

  1. Call the inquiryStatementList API to get the value of accountingBizNo parameter from the API response.
  2. Call the inquiryStatementDetail API with the value of accountingBizNo from the previous step and get the detailed information of a specific statement from the API response.

yuque_diagram (1).png

Figure 2. Query statement details using WorldFirst APIs

Download statements

To download statements from WorldFirst, take the following steps:

  1. Call the inquiryStatementList API to get the required input.
  2. Call the prepareDownload API to download the statements based on your needs.
  3. Call the queryDownload API to check the download result. If you specify notifyUrl when calling the prepareDownload API, WorldFirst will also send you the results via the notifyDownload API.

The following figure illustrates the general process:


Figure 3. Download statements using WorldFirst APIs