Submit attachmentSignature required

POST /amsin/api/v1/business/account/submitAttachment

B2B Partners can call this API to submit attachments required by the submitTradeOrder API.


A message consists of a header and body. The following sections are focused on the body structure. For the header structure, see:

Request parameters

attachmentId String  REQUIRED

Attachment identity 

More information about this field:

  • This field is only for request identification, not for idempotent control.
  • Maximum length: 64 characters 

attachmentType String  REQUIRED

Attachment type

Value reference: AttachmentType

attachmentContent String  REQUIRED

Attachment's content. Maximum: 7MB

Format: PNG, JPG, JPEG, PDF. 

More information about this field:

  • Base64 encoding is required. 
  • Maximum length: 9786710 characters 

fileName String  REQUIRED

The original file name of the submitted attachment.

Example: file.pdf

More information:

  • Maximum length: 128 characters

bizOrderId String  REQUIRED

Business order number

Fill in the order number in the WorldFirst order association scenario. 

More information:

  • Maximum length: 64 characters

bizType String  REQUIRED

Business type of order synchronization.


  • WF_B2B_ORDER_SYNC: attachment of transfer order
  • WF_B2B_COLLECTION_ORDER_SYNC: attachment of collection order  

Response parameters

result Result object REQUIRED

Result of API calling

Show child parameters

attachmentInfo AttachmentInfo object 

Details of submitted attachment

Show child parameters
API Explorer


Request Body


Response Body

Result/Error codes

CodeValueMessageFurther action
PROCESS_FAILFA general business failure occurred. Do Not retry.

Contact WorldFirst technical support for human intervention. 

PARAM_ILLEGALFIllegal parameters exist. For example, a non-numeric input, or an invalid date.

Refer to the API documentation and check if the request header or parameters is valid. 

INVALID_SIGNATUREFThe signature is invalid.

Check if the request's signature is valid. 

REPEAT_REQ_INCONSISTENTFRepeated requests are inconsistent.

Repeated requests are inconsistent. Ensure all the request parameters are identical. 

UNKNOWN_EXCEPTIONUAPI failed due to an unknown reason.

Server error. Retry it later.

Contact WorldFirst technical support if the issue remains. 

FILE_SIZE_EXCEED_LIMITFThe file size has exceeded the limit.

Limit the file size to the allowable range. 

CONTRACT_CHECK_FAILFThe contract check has failed.

Check the contract status then retry. 

@2024 WorldFirst